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NYC VCP Cleanup Plan Completion of Remedial Activities
January 19, 2017
The New York City Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) has announced the remedial completion of the site at 275 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York under the NYC Volunteer Cleanup Program (VCP). Impact was involved in the site early on prior to redevelopment and was responsible for the investigation, in-situ groundwater remediation and closure of the NYSDEC Spill Case associated with the former filling station use of the site. During redevelopment, Impact provided multi-platform remedial services from the initial remedial site investigation, development and implementation of the Remedial Action Work Plan through NYC OER and the VCP, onsite oversight and management of remediation in conjunction with redevelopment; which included waste characterization and trucking and disposal services of contaminated non-hazardous and hazardous fill, and the preparation of the Remedial Closure Report which culminated in the successful cleanup of the site to OER-approved site specific cleanup objectives.
NYC OER Completion Fact Sheet can be found here.
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