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Capitalize on New NYC Brownfield Tax Incentives

July 4, 2013

Capitalize on New NYC Brownfield Tax Incentives.

New tax incentives coming out of the Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) will offer developers the opportunity to realize real profits, on properties that once were considered unmanageable.
While the NYC Brownfield Incentive Grant Program (BIG) program may be old news, these tax incentives are brand new. Impact Environmental can answer all your questions about the program and the process. As a Qualified Vendor, we are ready to assist property owners and developers in the grant application process. The Grant Applications, Cost Reimbursements and Award Limits can be found on the Office of Environmental Remediation’s website at:
The BIG Program requires that all fundable services and activities be performed by a Qualified Vendor registered with the BIG Program Administrator. As a Qualified Vendor since its earliest implementation, Impact Environmental’s experience with the BIG process is unparallelled.  At Impact we also take great pride in our ability to keep our clients’ costs under control, with a “zero tolerance” for overages that other environmental contractors take for granted.
The BIG program is an initiative to spur the cleanup and redevelopment of NYC Brownfields, offering real cost savings and grants to owners and developers throughout the development process, from the earliest stages of information gathering through environmental investigation and cleanup. For a full report about the NYC Brownfield Incentive Grant program, click here, or call our office at 631-269-8800 and speak to our professionals.

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